Beban pekerjaan adalah yang paling banyak menguras waktu, tenaga, pikiran, dan rasa. Saya teringat dengan ucapan seorang bijak, apabila hendak meminta tolong, tolonglah dulu dirimu. Maka orang lain akan berdatangan satu-persatu. Terlepas dari benar atau salah, memang siapa lagi yang akan membantu kalau bukan diri sendiri. Saya iri pada orang-orang yang memiliki kekuatan untuk menolak, atau sekadar bilang keberatan. Sudah hampir tengah malam, dan saya belum juga merebahkan punggung di atas tempat tidur.
:Vin Elk, Ars Magna, & Lady Loved* Lately, I have enjoyed writing a lot. Writing worked on me the way Dumbledore did while he was in Penseive, so he could experience his memories through other perspectives. He uses it to siphon the excess thoughts from his mind, pour them into the basin, and examine them at leisure. Writing has helped me to untangle my mind, examine what to deliver, communicate the messages verbally and non-verbally, and reflect on how this writing will evoke certain emotions or moods. Writing becomes the mirror that provides insight into who I am, what I desire, what I experience, what I value, and what I am not into. Writing becomes the language that deliberates my inner peace. On another level, writing could answer the quest that dwells in my mind. I am glad to share what is significant for me right now. Being loved by the right person and people is heaven, and so is being respected, prioritized, supported, desired, and understood. The right person and peop...
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