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2020 to 2024

The main themes for each year

2020 - pandemic, letting go, surrender, anxiety, invention, depression, betrayal, Italian food

2021 - teamwork, hope, vaccine, Italian food, people pleaser, hardworking, disappointment, letting go what doesn't serve me anymore, depressed, hard conversation, split, move on

2022 - healing, making plans, appointments with psychologists, false hope, broken heart, move on, blaming myself and others, seeking validation, betrayal, self love, meeting new people, photography,

2023 - fitness, new routine, falling in love, Montessori, self love, family, guilt, African food indecisiveness, failing to set boundaries, scared of failure, anger, manipulation, split, psychologist, hope, independence, redefining who I am, falling in love again, forgiveness, trust, adjustment to LDR, free from alcohol, cooking

2024 - family, gain my strength, self love, positivity, silence is gold, focus on becoming a better version of myself, gratitude, stress, peace, fitness, discipline, consuming healthy food with more protein, confidence, acceptance, surrender, hope and praying, contentment,  health issues, being more aware of many things, commitment, love, hard conversation, crying, teamwork, work harder, having lack of sleep, abundance, friendship, Montessori, selflessness, courage, conflict language, new dreams, quality time, new goals, uncertainty, fear of not trying rather than failing, shopping, slay, regulating expectations, not afraid of saying no, choosing kindness, paranormal experience, cooking, free from alcohol, African food, conflict management

2025 - only Allah know what's best for me, I surrender, I accept, and I will always do my utmost. Bismillah


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