2024 becomes a new chapter for almost everyone who chooses to stand tall amongst the sorrows, the tears, the loath, the love, the joy, the cheers, the sacrifices, the sincerity, the tranquility, and not forget to mention the commitment over losing and winning. Minutes become hours, and hours turn into days, weeks, and months, which means there will always be new experiences.
It's still in the second week of March, and people come and go. There are oodles things to learn to support the growth and minimize the fear. Every step is watched and every move is made. And I am still here, to be grateful for my Dad's latest health condition that shows improvement, and for the return of my beloved man to Jakarta from his country. Both of them were battling one of their most uneasy fights. Little did I know of their struggles for I was not in that arena yet. But as a woman who genuinely values their efforts, I learned to not give up, put myself together, and allow the sun to rise in my eyes and smile.
Dear Dad, my very first love, I love you unconditionally. I asked Allah to heal your body and fill you with strength and vitality. I asked Allah to clear your body of impurities and ailments. I asked Allah to build your immune system to resist any diseases. Dear my beloved man, Kelvin, I pray that Allah will remind you of all that you have and that Allah will teach you to be humble but also proud. I pray that Allah loves you, that Allah will listen to you, that Allah will pull you to Him when you wander away. O Allah, I thank You for this man, this blessing, and this adventure.
I dedicate this love poem, to my Dad and to my beloved man.
Forever Welcome
:Dad and Kelvin
If you felt like to knock the door,
come and step in, you are invited
when the nights are bright, the stars twinkle,
the moon beams, and the meteors shower,
when the days become swift and subtle
when the birds are flying and scurry to find their way home
when the traffic makes the cars ruffled and people round their fists in anger
Come and step in when the hugs and kisses become sweet and soft
when the heart is ready to pump the merry and rest the grief
Come and step in with the leaves coated in snow
and the trees are shivered by the desire of breezy wind
for you are forever welcome to come and step in
Jakarta, 2024
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