We endured the bitter-sweet of relationships, with ourselves, our family, our friends, our better half, our colleagues, even with the political system that seems unwell lately. These relationships could be labyrinthine for those who close their minds, hearts, and souls for changes. It is meant to balance the power of trust, honesty, respect, openness, affection, and boundaries. To be in relationships, we need endurance to build healthy relationships. The pressure comes after experiencing tortuous relationships. To be in healthy ones means to commit to relearn, to let go, and to make peace with multiple possibilities. One thing is certain, a journey. We wonder what would happen if the journey were also an anagram?
The journey will never lie as it becomes one jury
to give a verdict on what we witness
or to judge a selected competition with one's self in the past
Journey speaks about purpose
the prop we use to communicate
and to pass on the value of life
We took one step to taste pentose of wine
from the moment the grapes are harvested
to when they're finally bottled
and passionately served in the glass
The journey doesn't have to be rollercoasters
Not even the sole orchestral of shared sorrow and happiness,
unceasing ups and downs,
or race of highs and lows
To empower is the journey
we don't receive the mere pow nor listen in silent
Dear Mi Amor,
heal up soon, get up, make a move, and take us wherever we go. Thank you for hugging us great and big.
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