Dear October, I'm sure irrevocably this is going to be the great time for me to step out of my comfort zone, to be gentle to myself, to be friend with positive self-love, to increase my self-awareness, to heal the inner-child wound, to stay stronger and blessed even on the stormy days, to seek help for a better recovery, to move on yet I'm not in a hurry, to let go of things that I loved, and to welcome the greater energy in order to gain more zeal and spirit to live my life fully, to be open-minded, to meet people with different perspective, to be friends with great people, to pursue my dreams and give it a chance to become the parts of my journey, to learn new skills, to set new goals, to be more discipline, to work smarter, to be healthier with healthy lifestyle, to be more loving, passionate, and genuine, to progress, to be more calculative and selective in choosing my arena, to drink milk everyday, to get enough sleep everyday, to worry less, to trust more myself, God, and universe about the possibility and the uncertainty, to love people whom I love by heart not by sight, to respect myself, to be honest, to change my point of view over money, to value friendship, to be the best version of myself.
Kepada K. Aku mencitaimu sepanjang sinar bulan yang membulat sampai ke bumi tanpa dipantulkan ulang cahayanya. Air menggenang di tanah tapi hujan tertampung di kaca jendela. Langit berawan, namun bintang mengerdip, begitu genit berkelindan di balik matamu. Aku ingin mendaki ke atas bulan, memanjatkan hal-hal mustahil sambil memegang erat pergelangan tanganmu. Bawa saja aku, bahkan ketika kau sedang bermimpi, menghidupkan ulang harapan yang terpotong menjadi tersambung, satu-persatu, juga begitu pelan. Di perjalanan yang tidak begitu singkat, kita berkelana, mengarungi banyak kelok, jatuh dan tergelincir, menyasar hingga menemukan petunjuk dengan mengikuti kemana garis tanganmu menyebar. Tatkala garis itu terpotong, kita bergegas dengan menukik ke arah tebing yang masih hijau. Ucapmu, "Udara menjadi segar begitu kita senantiasa bersama." Maka kuikat kedua lenganku di pundakmu. Aku berdoa sejenak, bahwa meski bencana melanda, kita masih bisa berenang dan berpegangan lebih erat ...
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