The best thing I learnt in this year was about how to stand for myself. I learnt to be more confident and comfortable in my own skin. I didn't put my attention to my weaknesses, of if I did that's because I wanna perform better and made the progress seen. I learnt to speak clear and be straight forward. I told people what I enjoyed and what I didn't like to do. If ever they doubted my words, it wasn't my problem. To communicate in two ways means to tell the truth and to listen to it. I also learnt to let go. It was easier said than done. Keeping myself built relationships when I wasn't ready or when I was lonely is equal to drink contaminated water in excessive thirst. I wouldn't heal at all. I learnt to live my life fully in happiness, sadness, tears, laughter, disappointment, envy, flaws, troubles, even in peace. It kept coming over and over. I am thankful for what I am today, right now. I learnt to light up the candles that represented hope, faith, and the joy to stay alive.
:Vin Elk, Ars Magna, & Lady Loved* Lately, I have enjoyed writing a lot. Writing worked on me the way Dumbledore did while he was in Penseive, so he could experience his memories through other perspectives. He uses it to siphon the excess thoughts from his mind, pour them into the basin, and examine them at leisure. Writing has helped me to untangle my mind, examine what to deliver, communicate the messages verbally and non-verbally, and reflect on how this writing will evoke certain emotions or moods. Writing becomes the mirror that provides insight into who I am, what I desire, what I experience, what I value, and what I am not into. Writing becomes the language that deliberates my inner peace. On another level, writing could answer the quest that dwells in my mind. I am glad to share what is significant for me right now. Being loved by the right person and people is heaven, and so is being respected, prioritized, supported, desired, and understood. The right person and peop...
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