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Dari Ruas Tol

: Tomas Transtromer
menghindari banyak nama dari jalan yang menyilang dekat rumah
meski tengah malam dan siang sedikit sama
teriakan kita akan terasa lebih melengking dan istimewa
ketimbang teriakan anak kecil berusia lima belas tahun
yang berpikir sudah banyak mengenal usia

dari kedua tangannya yang menggenggam sepasang lolipop
ulat dan semut merah benyanyi
bermain musik meski di kota
sudah banyak pemusik yang berjalan kaki
menuju bis kota untuk menjual suara musik
dan suara mereka

"kami butuh malam dan siang yang bisa disimpan dalam saku"
. . .
kemudian mereka masuk lewat pintu dari tiap-tiap wajah penumpang
yang kehabisan oksigen dengan sepotong koin emas berangka
lima ratus rupiah mungkin cukup menutupi perut yang bocor dan basah
Jakarta, Oct 2011

: ditujukan pada puisinya yang berjudul Open and Closed Space


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Singkatnya, Aku Pulang

Kepada K. Aku mencitaimu sepanjang sinar bulan yang membulat sampai ke bumi tanpa dipantulkan ulang cahayanya. Air menggenang di tanah tapi hujan tertampung di kaca jendela. Langit berawan, namun bintang mengerdip, begitu genit berkelindan di balik matamu. Aku ingin mendaki ke atas bulan, memanjatkan hal-hal mustahil sambil memegang erat pergelangan tanganmu. Bawa saja aku, bahkan ketika kau sedang bermimpi, menghidupkan ulang harapan yang terpotong menjadi tersambung, satu-persatu, juga begitu pelan. Di perjalanan yang tidak begitu singkat, kita berkelana, mengarungi banyak kelok, jatuh dan tergelincir, menyasar hingga menemukan petunjuk dengan mengikuti kemana garis tanganmu menyebar. Tatkala garis itu terpotong, kita bergegas dengan menukik ke arah tebing yang masih hijau. Ucapmu, "Udara menjadi segar begitu kita senantiasa bersama." Maka kuikat kedua lenganku di pundakmu. Aku berdoa sejenak, bahwa meski bencana melanda, kita masih bisa berenang dan berpegangan lebih erat ...

Writing As A Love Language

:Vin Elk, Ars Magna, & Lady Loved* Lately, I have enjoyed writing a lot. Writing worked on me the way Dumbledore did while he was in Penseive, so he could experience his memories through other perspectives. He uses it to siphon the excess thoughts from his mind, pour them into the basin, and examine them at leisure. Writing has helped me to untangle my mind, examine what to deliver, communicate the messages verbally and non-verbally, and reflect on how this writing will evoke certain emotions or moods. Writing becomes the mirror that provides insight into who I am, what I desire, what I experience, what I value, and what I am not into. Writing becomes the language that deliberates my inner peace. On another level, writing could answer the quest that dwells in my mind.  I am glad to share what is significant for me right now. Being loved by the right person and people is heaven, and so is being respected, prioritized, supported, desired, and understood. The right person and peop...

The Fall and The Rise, The Sorrow and The Courage

 Dear my love, Kelvin, please accept my deep condolence on the loss of your beloved sister and beloved grandma this year.  We never been taught how to understand the loss of our loved ones: father, sister, and granny. The grief can be particularly intense. It is accepted as natural part of life with shock, confusion, and also sadness. Grieving becomes significant to welcome those feelings and to continue to embrace the time we had with our loved ones.  I genuinely appreciate your personal willingness to share what you feel. Let's go hand in hand with this wide range of emotions. This sad news can be the most uneasy challenge we face. It also can be the remembrance to honor them. I am thinking about you who are experiencing restlessness, tightness in the chest, and breathlessness.  We don't miss our father, our sister, and our granny. It's not a goodbye for they always stay here, with us in our hearts with love and peace. We will continue the bond we had with our love...